Postcode Lotteries

What’s your postcode and what does that say about you? If I asked a healthy person about the importance of their postcode I suspect they’d tell me about local schools,

What’s so bad about fears and tears?

I’m 36 years old and I’m dying of secondary breast cancer. As a result I’m petrified 24/7. I’m currently waiting for scan results that will tell me if my current

Email complaint to CRUK May 2020

We attach an email complaint from METUP UK to CRUK (we have received a response this week – see below after the complaint) We are a patient-led advocacy group, lobbying

They lie and cancer patients die…

Dear social media companies, Your social media platforms are a lifeline to cancer patients, especially those of us who have advanced cancer which will kill us. My friends from social

Open email to Breast Cancer Now re COVID19 (& letter for your MP)

Dear Delyth, In the absence of any consistent reassurance from NHS or Third Sector sources, the members of METUPUK feel compelled to write to you to ask what specific steps

ABC5 Lisbon – The Global Alliance

Key Messages This was my first time at this conference which is held in Lisbon every 2 years and focuses entirely on Advanced Breast Cancer.  Jo had been to the

Members of MetUpUK descend on parliament

Jo Taylor & Laura Ashurst members of METUPUK attending the petition hand in

Terminal breast cancer patients descended on parliament last week. Armed with over 70,000 signatures, they demanded change for the tens of thousands in the UK living with the killer disease.