China Doll

Birthday and cancerversaries became bittersweet as I was dealing with the realities of cancer, the side effects, the constant fear of the unknown, the helplessness, the indignity of losing who you are, who you were, even things you take for granted like walking up your own stairs or getting out the bath (because the treatment has made you weak).

And so, I feel with every year I am living with MBC, with every new treatment and with every progression, I am like a china doll. Leaving broken pieces of me behind.  

The Irony of Metastatic Breast Cancer – Mary Huckle

Many of our followers on social media will remember Mary Huckle and her tireless campaigning for #metastaticbreastcancer awareness. This blog post is the last content she wrote for us, a

Dr Rachel Eyre interviews Dr Hannah Harrison about breast cancer research

Scientific research is vital for the development of new and improved treatments for secondary breast cancer. But what’s it like to be a scientist working in this area? Dr Hannah Harrison received her PhD in breast cancer research from the University of Manchester in 2009 and has since worked as a breast cancer research scientist in the Manchester Cancer Research Centre. Here, Hannah tells us about her work.