A cancer drug which received standing ovation from the Global Medical Community is being withheld from NHS breast cancer patients. METUPUK are devastated by NICE decision not to recommend the drug
A cancer drug which received standing ovation from the Global Medical Community is being withheld from NHS breast cancer patients. METUPUK are devastated by NICE decision not to recommend the drug
METUPUK has joined the Northern Ireland Coalition (NICCC) and will work collaboratively with partner charities to improve outcomes for cancer patients in Northern Ireland. Ann McBrien, METUPUK’s Northern Ireland Executive
Here at METUPUK, we know drug access is a big issue for all metastatic breast cancer patients. There have been huge leaps and bounds made in terms of research, knowledge
METUPUK (Metastatic Exchange To Unleash Power) attended the 2024 United Kingdom’s Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium in Birmingham, hosted by Breast Cancer Now and supported by numerous partners. It was a
I contacted METUPUK when I was diagnosed as a primary patient in 2018. Even though my mum died of secondary breast cancer in 2015 I had no real understanding of the metastatic disease and the challenges patients face getting access to the treatment they need.
Scientific research is vital for the development of new and improved treatments for secondary breast cancer. But what’s it like to be a scientist working in this area? Dr Hannah Harrison received her PhD in breast cancer research from the University of Manchester in 2009 and has since worked as a breast cancer research scientist in the Manchester Cancer Research Centre. Here, Hannah tells us about her work.
At METUPUK, we campaign for new and better therapies for patients with secondary breast cancer. One of our recent campaigns, #TrodelvyNow helped to make a new type of drug, Trodelvy (sacituzumab govitecan) available for SBC patients in the UK. Scientist and METUPUK volunteer, Helen, explains how Trodelvy works and why it’s important that more drugs like this get to patients urgently.
What’s your postcode and what does that say about you? If I asked a healthy person about the importance of their postcode I suspect they’d tell me about local schools,
Hi my name is Kit and apparently I’m a stubborn cow! Now the person who told me that didn’t think it was a good thing. But for a secondary breast
We attach an email complaint from METUP UK to CRUK (we have received a response this week – see below after the complaint) We are a patient-led advocacy group, lobbying