Just shy of six years ago I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). Rare with a “high fatality rate and difficult to treat” is what I learnt in the
Metastatic May – a Primary Patient by Jane Cooke
I was diagnosed with hormone positive primary breast cancer in February 2022. I had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and am now on 10 years of reduce risking hormone repressing therapy.
When D-Day’s DE NOVO – Sue Thomas
When D-Day’s DE NOVO My name is Sue, I’m a wife, a mum, a nanny, a daughter, a friend, a Metastatic Breast Cancer patient, and an advocate. My breast cancer
Guilt – Helen Stewart
As mothers, we have a strong biological urge to protect our offspring. To protect them and keep them safe from harm. That urge starts at their birth and continues as
What Not to Say – Mean Well (Stupid Things People Say) – Rebecca Brown

Anticipatory Grief – Relationships and metastatic breast cancer – Jo Taylor
I first came across “anticipatory grief” whilst friends with Sarah Illingsworth, who had metastatic breast cancer and was a Trustee for Breast Cancer Now. She was bold and forthright and
Lymphoedema and me… Kirstin Spencer
My lymphoedema started very abruptly. One night, I developed unbelievably bad pain in my arm and shoulder. It was awful. I showered, tried to rub it better. When I went
A walking corpse – Beth Fortey
Others reaction to my cancer. It’s the reaction of others that really gets me. It’s like you have an infectious disease sometimes; people avoid you in the shops, they
Could the next big drug for metastatic breast cancer patients be physical activity?
I have always participated in some kind of form of physical activity. I was a gymnast when I was young, loved the fact I could walk on my hands, do
#FightingMBCplatitudes – Uncovering insensitive platitudes: a survey of people with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)
Last Autumn, Jo Taylor founder of After Breast Cancer Diagnosis and METUPUK and Eva Schumacher from Mamma Mia, an online German cancer magazine, (Eva is a patient living with MBC),