Asha died in March 2024. She wrote this blog, explaining the problems that she experienced trying to access a drug that she was ineligible for, because she fell outside of the treatment
Asha died in March 2024. She wrote this blog, explaining the problems that she experienced trying to access a drug that she was ineligible for, because she fell outside of the treatment
Do you remember what you were wearing on 1 December 2019? Probably not. I do though. I was wearing a blue Valencia Marathon t-shirt, an exhausted but elated perma-grin and
Key Messages This was my first time at this conference which is held in Lisbon every 2 years and focuses entirely on Advanced Breast Cancer. Jo had been to the
When I was told in late 2015 that I’d secured the last place on a phase 1 clinical trial, I didn’t in my wildest dreams think I’d end up still