I watched with interest the phenomenal feat by Lucy Gossage founder of 5K Your Way (Move Against Cancer podcast) and winner of the 2025 Spine Race which is an ultra
I watched with interest the phenomenal feat by Lucy Gossage founder of 5K Your Way (Move Against Cancer podcast) and winner of the 2025 Spine Race which is an ultra
The week of 4-8 November 2024 is set aside to celebrate the work of nearly 1 million trustees volunteering for charities across the UK. Trustees are individuals responsible for the
A cancer drug which received standing ovation from the Global Medical Community is being withheld from NHS breast cancer patients. METUPUK are devastated by NICE decision not to recommend the drug
At the End of May 2024 Madeleine attended an event at the offices of the Economist on Pioneering person-centred breast cancer care. This event was part of a wider project looking at
Just shy of six years ago I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). Rare with a “high fatality rate and difficult to treat” is what I learnt in the
I was diagnosed with hormone positive primary breast cancer in February 2022. I had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and am now on 10 years of reduce risking hormone repressing therapy.
When D-Day’s DE NOVO My name is Sue, I’m a wife, a mum, a nanny, a daughter, a friend, a Metastatic Breast Cancer patient, and an advocate. My breast cancer
As mothers, we have a strong biological urge to protect our offspring. To protect them and keep them safe from harm. That urge starts at their birth and continues as
I first came across “anticipatory grief” whilst friends with Sarah Illingsworth, who had metastatic breast cancer and was a Trustee for Breast Cancer Now. She was bold and forthright and
Last Autumn, Jo Taylor founder of After Breast Cancer Diagnosis and METUPUK and Eva Schumacher from Mamma Mia, an online German cancer magazine, (Eva is a patient living with MBC),