How do we get better outcomes and survival for Metastatic Breast Cancer?

I watched with interest the phenomenal feat by Lucy Gossage founder of 5K Your Way (Move Against Cancer podcast) and winner of the 2025 Spine Race which is an ultra

Trustees’ Week by Madeleine Meynell

The week of 4-8 November 2024 is set aside to celebrate the work of nearly 1 million trustees volunteering for charities across the UK. Trustees are individuals responsible for the

Data Collection for metastatic breast cancer…

Kat wrote this blog for Metastatic May but we feel it should be shared again for Breast Cancer Awareness Month as data is a major problem and something that really

The Patience and Patients of Clinical Trials…

Clinical trials are one of those things that no one really cares about until you need to. In the UK we have a pretty impressive cancer trial landscape that’s recognised

In our recent Metastatic May campaign, the theme was ‘The Cost of Living’

Madeleine Meynell

In our recent Metastatic May campaign, the theme was ‘The Cost of Living’. Living with metastatic breast cancer affects personal finances, careers, and overall income. But we also explored the

Treatement lines and herceptin for HER2+ metastatic breast cancer

Any patient with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) will be familiar with the concept of ‘treatment lines’. Unlike primary breast cancer, where you undergo chemotherapy for a fixed time period, after

13th October – metastatic (secondary) breast cancer day – redefining MBC…

A friend a few weeks ago recently joined the statistic of 31 women that die every day of metastatic breast cancer, and we just hear the same words and comments. 

Primary breast cancer tends to fill Breast Cancer Awareness Month…

Red Flags and DENOVO Breast Cancer  Primary breast cancer tends to fill Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It’s a month where our social media, TV, radio, advertising and retail all turn

METUPUK Breast Cancer Awareness 2024 for metastatic breast cancer

METUPUK’ Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign for October across the UK and on social media channels. Continuing the synergy with The Darker Side of Pink travelling campaign highlighting the 31 women a

I was diagnosed with ER/PR+ HER- primary breast cancer in February 2022….

I was diagnosed with ER/PR+ HER- primary breast cancer in February 2022.  I was treated with a lumpectomy followed by 12 sessions of chemotherapy and 24 sessions of radiotherapy; I