“It shouldn’t be this hard”. That was a comment on my Twitter thread…

Clinical trials are essential for testing new treatments for metastatic breast cancer (MBC). For patients, they represent hope – the chance to get access to a new potential treatment before

Having just completed screening for a clinical trial I must initiate this discussion…

Having just completed screening for a clinical trial I must initiate this discussion. Trials offer treatments not otherwise available – so with limited treatments available, it’s without question that I

Accessing clinical trials is a minefield…

Accessing clinical trials is a minefield: firstly, you need to find a trial that you are eligible for, which can include factors such as your cancer sub-type, the receptors you

In our recent Metastatic May campaign, the theme was ‘The Cost of Living’

Madeleine Meynell

In our recent Metastatic May campaign, the theme was ‘The Cost of Living’. Living with metastatic breast cancer affects personal finances, careers, and overall income. But we also explored the

According to Cancer Research UK, approximately one in five of all new female breast cancer cases are under the age 50…

According to Cancer Research UK, approximately one in five of all new female breast cancer cases are under the age 50 and around half are between 35 – 64 (https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/breast-cancer/incidence-invasive).

13th October – metastatic (secondary) breast cancer day – redefining MBC…

A friend a few weeks ago recently joined the statistic of 31 women that die every day of metastatic breast cancer, and we just hear the same words and comments. 

Asha died in March 2024. She wrote this blog, explaining the problems that she experienced trying to access a drug…

Asha died in March 2024. She wrote this blog, explaining the problems that she experienced trying to access a drug that she was ineligible for, because she fell outside of the treatment

I contacted METUPUK when I was diagnosed as a primary patient in 2018…

I contacted METUPUK when I was diagnosed as a primary patient in 2018. Even though my mum died of Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) in 2015, I had no real understanding

I think I’m officially a long-term metastatic breast cancer survivor…

What price survival?  I think I’m officially a long-term metastatic breast cancer survivor. I mean I have just passed five years since diagnosis and when I looked up the average

Primary breast cancer tends to fill Breast Cancer Awareness Month…

Red Flags and DENOVO Breast Cancer  Primary breast cancer tends to fill Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It’s a month where our social media, TV, radio, advertising and retail all turn