My name is Kate Gross, And I’m a 3 x cancer survivor.
We are planning the adventure of a lifetime, but first a little about me.
I’m 50 years old (just 😂) my passions are being outside in nature, walking and stand up paddling and most recently have started cold water swimming. I have an amazing husband Jason and we have been together for 22 years, and also a cat called Elsa.
We have just moved back to the U.K. after living in Sweden for 3 years and we have made the very brave decision to quit our jobs, sell our house and everything in it, buy a motorhome and spend the next few years travelling, we have no plan B 😀. Living in Sweden really taught us about quality of life it’s not all about working yourself to the bone, specially what I have been through, but also for Jason, so it’s time to step off the hamster wheel and go enjoy ourselves.
Age 32
Stage 3 breast cancer in my left breast, chemotherapy adriamycin/ cyclophosphamide x 6 sessions, skin sparing mastectomy + RAD – residual DCIS, 1 of 13 lymph nodes involved. 5 year Tamoxifen and 2 years Zoladex
Age 37
Stage 2 Breast cancer in my right breast, HER2 Negative, PR negative, no lymph node involvement, chemotherapy docetaxol, skin sparing mastectomy.
Age 40
I was tested for the BRACA gene which I tested positive to BRACA 2, the decision was to have a prophylactic bilateral oophorectomy.
Age 42
I was sent for my first ever CT scan since my journey with cancer started, I was well, fit doing everything I should be there were no cause for concern. And there it was I had metastatic (secondary) breast cancer in my liver, I was very fortunate that it was operable and I have a resection of my liver, 1/8th removed. This was followed by a really grueling 6 months of chemotherapy, gemcitabine/carboplatin.
Age 50
As of now there are NO signs of re-occurrence and I am clear of cancer and I consider myself one of the lucky ones. For the last 8 years I have been scanned every 6 months alternating between MRI & CT scans, I will be returning for scans with my team and they will be flexible with this, and I am now on exemestane. I will take enough medication with me and if I have to go back for a scan can collect a prescription then. I have osteoporosis and currently investigating 2 drug treatments which I will now be taking to add to my medication.
When we get on the road, which has been delayed now until the New Year as our house sale has been delayed, we will be setting up our YouTube account so we can document our travels. We are hoping to share a map so that you can see where we will be travelling to and a timescale of when we thing we will get to each location.
Brexit is another factor, as from January you can only do 3 months in Europe then you have to leave for 3 months so will have to get around that problem somehow.
I will also be using this platform to raise awareness for secondary breast cancer and hopefully reach as many people as I can.
We have an Instagram account set up which you can follow: forevercopilots
Please follow our adventure! 🙏