Kit in Breast Cancer Now Story

METUPUK member Kit D was featured on Breast Cancer Now, as a patient story, living at a young age with ‘de novo’ metastatic cancer, including this section:

In reality, I am…

A feminist (a fairly radical feminist as it happens – and proud of it).

A football fan. I love AFC Rushden and Diamonds.

An animal lover. Very few things make me happier than visiting animal sanctuaries.

Obsessed with politics. I studied International Relations at Aberystwyth University and loved it. I care about what is happening in the world and want the world to be a better place.

A wife. I love my husband more than anything in this world. We met when I was 18. Married when I was 22.

So yes, cancer is a big thing about me. But it isn’t the only thing about me as I realised after that discussion – probably for the first time since my diagnosis. I am me. I’m cool with that.

Read the full story.