METUPUK are devastated by the news that one of our Trustees and friend Connie Johncock has died.

Connie was a founder trustee of METUPUK and our Treasurer, overseeing our finances as we became established as a Charity.  She was also a key member of our social media and communications team, and helped shape campaigns and contributed amazing content.

Connie was very mindful that a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis doesn’t just impact on the patient, but also has a devastating effect on friends and family.  Along with trustee Andy Figgins, she was instrumental in setting up our Friends and Family support group.  The video of Connie talking with her friends about living with metastatic breast cancer is incredibly powerful and can be viewed here 

Connie also wanted people to know about metastatic breast cancer and created the #2ndsOnThe2nd hashtag so we could share this on the 2ndof every month to create awareness with the infographics.

Connie was diagnosed with de novo metastatic breast cancer at the age of 23, and lived for 10 years with cancer.  As a student nurse and because she had close relatives diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, Connie was very breast aware and checked herself regularly.  When she noticed changes in her breast, she presented promptly to her GP but was assured that the changes were unlikely to be cancer because of her age.  By the time she was seen in the breast clinic, her cancer was already incurable.  Connie later found out that she had a rare mutation in her TP53 gene which caused her cancer at such a young age.

Metastatic breast cancer did not stop Connie, who was determined to finish her nursing degree.  She finished in style, graduating with a First class honours.  As if not enough, in 2019 she trained for and competed in a triathlon as part of the Team Phoenix Foundation.  This despite managing a heavy treatment schedule, work and study.

Connie was incredibly kind and always had time for people in the breast cancer community.  She was involved in many peer support groups online, and in particular reached out to other younger women struggling with their diagnosis on YBCN Facebook group.

Connie had a large and very supportive family network and group of friends.  Her mum and siblings were always close to her, and her her partner Mark was by her side throughout her illness.  Connie had a unique gift of bringing people together and making everyone feel special.  She embodied the spirit of #BusyLivingWithMets.

Connie, we love you and will miss you so much.

Your friends at METUPUK

connie Johncock