Jo attended this Zoom and here are some of the bullet points from the recording which is now published at the ABC Global Alliance website below https://www.abcglobalalliance.org/events-initiatives/recommended-events/
Initial opening and overview
- Focusing on Health policy priority – prevention, diagnosis and care so varied across Europe
- Problems with COVID19 and how to stop delays of diagnosis and support from diagnosis to supporting metastatic patient
- There are delay with access to medicines and they are focusing on inequalities within the EU and addressing them with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
- Looking at focusing on metastatic disease and patient living with their disease
- Has to be a collaborative effort and need to work with stakeholders
Transforming breast cancer together with Europa Donna
A questionnaire was sent out in Europe and they were listening to patients looking at
- National Plans
- Screening Programmes
- Timely Treatment
- Specialist breast units
- Genetic counselling
- Accreditation
- MBC Care
Working with cancer
- A very in depth session on working and having MBC and how to deal with this
Cancer plan to include 3 features
- Dashboard measures return to work in each country
- Made illegal to discriminate against cancer or any illness – adjustments needed
- Make flexibility – for many this is possible
Significant difference to cancer patients lives and return to work
There was a discussion about The right to be forgotten which is a concept discussed and put into practice in the European Union (EU) and Argentina since 2006. The issue has arisen from desires of individuals to “determine the development of their life in an autonomous way, without being perpetually or periodically stigmatized as a consequence of a specific action performed in the past.” So used for legal and financial issues when you are living with cancer.
ABC Global Alliance charter
ABC Global Alliance charter was discussed and their 10 goals highlighted here on METUPUK website.
They are including MBC Specific patient priorities and outcomes in the overall benefit assessment of new MBC Treatments
- Agreement of appropriate endpoint PFS once OS data is available
- Measuring good quality of life
- Don’t have good quality data for MBC across Europe and it is needed
- Involve patients to create guidelines
- Make sure all MBC patients are discussed in MDT’s
This is the video with Lesley and myself who feature when we attended the ABC5 conference last year.
A good overview of the state of play in relation to breast cancer in Europe.
Jo Taylor