Sign up to our newsletter and we’ll let you know when we make updates to the website, have a new campaign to launch, or share some of the work we are doing. We won’t be emailing every week and will not share your details with anyone else. Promise.
Please find below our recent newsletters:
June has been busy with various meetings and connecting with a worldwide advocacy forum for MBC. There has also been follow-up with the MBC Platitudes research that won an award at ESMO Breast for work done on the way that MBC is talked about. We are looking to do some work after Breast Cancer Awareness Month to highlight this language around MBC
Welcome to the fourth year of Metastatic May. It’s our month-long campaign where we share content from people living with metastatic breast cancer, professionals who work with us, news about drugs, treatment lines, mental health and patient stories.
February is always an emotional time for me as I (Jo Taylor) was diagnosed with primary breast cancer 17 years ago. 7 years later I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I have now been living with metastatic breast cancer for 10 years. Whilst that is a huge milestone and some people may want to celebrate this event, I know that only 26% of people who are living with MBC actually live 5 years after their diagnosis. In fact, there are no figures after that so we don’t know how many people are living 10 years after diagnosis. One thing I know, it’s a privilege to be still alive.
We have been busy again and there is a short report about our attendance at the UKIBCS – UK Interdisiplinary Breast Cancer Symposium. This is usually held every two years by Breast Cancer Now but this was the first one since the Pandemic and it was nice to see old and new faces at the conference. More about this below.
A big thank you to all of our Volunteers and Supporters this year. We have achieved so much together. For anyone who would like to get involved in METUPUK, please just let us know as the charity is run entirely by volunteers. Thinking of everyone at Christmas and wishing everyone a peaceful New Year.
We have a brilliant round up of our ‘Disappearing Lives’ campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and an update following the METUPUK MBC Wales Conference.
October 2023 – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Welcome to our October newsletter, which of course means it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are able to share our post conference report from our first ever Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) conference, an update on our Enhertu work and some exciting news about our next MBC conference in Wales.
This newsletter we have updates on our Darker Pink Campaign, an Autism and Breast Cancer Research Project, an update on drug appraisals and exercising with metatstatic breast cancer.
We hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far with family and friends. As always, we have been busy behind the scenes with conferences, research and fundraising.
We went straight from our campaign month of Metastatic May, into even more hard work hosting a first of its kind Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference in Manchester on 13th June. We are sharing some of the highlights from Metastatic May here and will then share a special edition in the coming weeks about the Conference.
We have started our Metastatic May Campaign. This month we will be sharing content about issues and awareness, treatment lines and drug access, mental health, living with metastatic breast cancer along with patient stories.
April 2023 – The Darker Side of Pink Campaign visited The Houses of Parliament
We have had an extra busy month, with lots of extremely important meetings and engagements for METUPUK, the Darker Side of Pink Campaign even made it to the Houses of Parliament.
We have had our first Trustee meeting of the year and we reviewed the AGM, the strategy and our way forward with our brilliant charity!
This is quickly becoming a very exciting year for us, please find below all our latest updates and how with your continued help we can achieve even more in 2023.
We are as busy as ever in 2023 and continue to push and promote issues with secondary/metastatic breast cancer.
The Darker Side of Pink Campaign has reached Edinburgh, Mary represented METUPUK at 10 Downing Street, new research and much more in this newsletter.
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